So Far

By | May 16, 2008

I’ve been back in Israel four days now.  It’s been a bit rough.  In fact, I’d say that if this was my only time to Israel, I’d tell people to never come.  Of course, I have the experience to know that it is not always this way. 

Before I left, we had reason to believe that things might be tough at home with one of our kids.  We have not been disappointed.  I didn’t realize that they built schools with padded rooms.  A further complication is that Kelli fell and broke her ankle this week.  This is an inconvenient time for her to suffer her first broken bone.  The break is painful and it makes it much harder to deal with the kids.  We would appreciate your prayers.

The group that I am teaching is extremely kind, helpful, and excited, and that is a blessing.

UPDATE: Kelli needs surgery.  That is scheduled for Tues am.  Then she has to be off the foot for 8-10 weeks.

14 thoughts on “So Far

  1. Brian

    You, Kelli, and the kids are in my prayers. My mom broke her ankle a few years ago and it is not a pleasant injury to have.

  2. Al

    Four years ago I was on my way to Turkey for two weeks and during my stop in Amsterdam, I found out my 14 year old daughter was on the way to the hospital for emergency surgery.

    So, I have some idea of the complex emotions you’re facing.

    I hope there might be a friend or family member who can jump in to help.

  3. Jennica-Ayelet

    I don’t know what to say. I’ll be praying for all of you, though.

  4. G.M. Grena

    Hang in there, Todd! There are people on both sides of eternity rootin’ for you & your family. I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Gabriel Barkay again yesterday, & mentioned you in a conversation about Mizpah, & as soon as I mentioned your name, he interjected, “He’s one of my students!” very fondly!

  5. Matt

    Todd, I’m glad to know of the update on your family and Kelli. I’ve been praying for you before I knew of any of what happened so I’m glad to know more specifics. May you find peace and comfort in our Great Physician who is both Sovereign and Good. ~Ashley Mehringer

  6. Dave Spice

    It’s a shame that I was only 2 rows in front of you Friday night and was not able to say “hello.” I guess that’s the way life is sometimes. It was good to see you. Please let Kelli and the kids know that we are praying for them.

  7. Sam Neylan

    soo sorry about Kelli’s ankle in your absence (or at all). when it rains it pours, eh?
    wish I loved near by to help

  8. Todd Bolen

    Ilena – thanks for the tip. It looks great and probably is, since it is full now. I found another place.

    Thanks to everyone for their prayers.


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