May update

By | May 27, 2008

Your prayers for us are appreciated.  The pain in Kelli’s ankle is starting to reduce and she is beginning to move around with a walker.  It’s still obviously a long road, but progress is encouraging.  Kelli’s mother is staying an extra week and my parents are driving out to be there when she leaves.  I’ll be home a few days later.  Your prayers for 1) the healing of Kelli’s ankle and 2) the behavior of the kids, esp. one of them, is greatly appreciated.  My time in Israel is going well, and the last four days have been terrific.  I appreciate your prayers for that too, esp. after a challenging start.

2 thoughts on “May update

  1. G.M. Grena

    Thanks for the update, Todd! Glad to hear things are getting a little better instead of a little worse! And thanks for the referral to Prof. Sanchez (I linked here to my new page for his handle’s photo)!

  2. Danielle Devore

    Yes, thanks for the update–it’s great to hear how God’s been faithfully providing and answering prayer.

    I’ll admit, our whole apartment (Jennica, Kat Ellenberger, and myself) was very strongly tempted to drive to TX and help as much as we could, but it didn’t work out. I’m so thankful Kelli’s and your parents have been able to come (definitely a blessing of being state-side). :-)


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