Kelli in hospital

By | June 1, 2008

We do have a family update (by email) for things like this, but given the nature of the situation and my location on the other side of the world, I am posting an update here.

A few days ago Kelli started feeling some pain in her chest and yesterday (Saturday) she was sent by the doctor to the emergency room.  They discovered a blood clot in her lungs and put her on blood thinner.  She awoke in the middle of the night with severe pain (now reduced with pain medicine).  At this moment (noon Dallas time Sunday) they are doing an ultrasound on her leg to see if there is another blood clot.  She’ll remain in the hospital until they get the blood thinner dosage figured out, hopefully only a few days.  It seems likely that this situation is related to conditions from her surgery and medication. 

My parents are on the road to Dallas from Oregon right now and should arrive by Monday afternoon.  That will be a blessing.  Kelli’s mom has been serving the whole time and goes home on Tuesday.  I arrive home on Thursday evening.  These are tough days for the kids.  Our Sunday School class has served us enormously, being one of God’s ways of answering our prayers.

We would appreciate your prayers.

7 thoughts on “Kelli in hospital

  1. Jennica-Ayelet

    You guys are being run through the wringer…I’ll be praying…

  2. Michelle Dueck

    Hey Todd…haven’t been on your blog for quite awhile, but I’m glad I came by tonight. I am and will be praying for…everything!

  3. Olga (Yuliya's sister)

    our church and our family all praying for all of you in this hard time.

    Isaiah 41:10
    Proverbs 18:10


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