The summer solstice this year is on June 20, the earliest it has been since 1896 (but it made it to the 20th only by a minute). More fascinating facts, including what you would see at the Egyptian pyramids, at National Geographic.
One of the most important reference works ever written, and one of the best gifts that I ever received (volume 2 thereof), was the Context of Scripture. Unfortunately they entitle the section “The Tell Dan Stele.” Do you know why that is wrong? (Or am I just becoming too much of a nerd?)
Afraid of heights? You probably don’t want to hike this trail in Spain
Krauthammer has a couple of good columns recently: Israel at 60, much better than the title makes it sound, and Environmentalism as the new tool of the liberals to rule the masses
News that makes me happy: Firefox 3 is out
News that makes me sad: Tim Russert has died
two “l”s? Google favored Tel over Tell 34,200 to 15,300…
You’re on the right track. The reason, however, is not Google-based.
I think it is Tel with one “l”. And that hike looks cool, but I think I would freak myself out if I tried to actually do it!
I’m still waiting in suspense about Tel-Dan…. =)
I was letting the suspense build… (either that or I had the impression no one cared).
The answer is that when transliterated from Hebrew it is tel, and when transliterated from Arabic it is tell. As Dan is a Hebrew word, it should be Tel Dan. The Arabic name of the site is Tell el-Qadi. I should note that COS got it right elsewhere in the volume.
Thankyou. I can now sleep at night. =)