Today’s mail brought some copies of the new Bible Atlas & Companion. You can’t tell from this book cover image at Amazon, but my name is on the front cover (the authors’ names are printed in the blank space at the bottom left). I believe this is the first book that has my name on the front. Now, before you get excited and say that because Todd Bolen wrote this Bible Atlas that it must be the best (or worst) one ever written, let me hasten to add that my contribution was primarily photographic. The editor wrote the text, another guy created the maps, and I supplied the photos. We all interacted on everything, which included my fine eye reading over all of the text and maps, but someone else gets credit (or blame) for anything not said by a photo. There’s a lot that I like about the atlas, even though I didn’t get my way at times with suggestions made concerning the text or a map (and no, I never saw the Introduction which says that Joshua ambushed the Philistines). The atlas is very colorful, very catching, and very easy to access. It was written for laymen who are looking for a good introduction to the lay of the land and its history. I can think of a number of atlases that this one should replace, many of which are listed in the best-selling atlases list at Amazon. Anyway, thought I’d mention it while it’s fresh.
wooo hooo!!!!! congrats (I think :) )