The Purpose of Amusements

By | August 10, 2008

J. R. Miller, “In Green Pastures” 1890, via Grace Gems:

Amusement must never become an end in life. It must always be a means, a help on the way–just as sleep is, just as rest is. An hour’s amusement, should be to you, just what a night’s sleeping is. It should make you stronger, clearer-headed, braver, calmer-souled, more hopeful, more earnest, more enthusiastic–inspiring you for godly living.

Anything which leaves a taint of impurity upon the life, or starts a thought of impurity in the mind, anything which degrades or debases the soul–is an unfit and unworthy amusement for a Christian. Christian amusements must be such, as do not harm spiritual life; they must be means of grace.

2 thoughts on “The Purpose of Amusements

  1. Mandy Jafari

    I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and keeping updated on your family!! Thank you so much for sharing this quote. It really blessed me.


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