Jehu, E’s, Videos

By | October 30, 2008

I received a letter today that my dissertation topic was approved by the Ph.D. Studies Committee.  My topic is the reign of Jehu, or more specifically: An investigation into the geopolitical aspects of the reign of Jehu, with particular focus on Israelite-Aramean relations.  I won’t start real work on the dissertation until (probably) spring 2011.  No kidding.  They have so many time-consuming hurdles even before you get to the dissertation.

This week and much of next was/will be spent on Ezekiel, Ephesians, and Emmanuel.  I have 6 days to research and write a 25-page paper on the use of Isaiah 7:14 in Matthew 1:23.  None of the easy answers will work for this one. 

Krauthammer: “Today’s economic crisis, like every other in our history, will in time pass. But the barbarians will still be at the gates. Whom do you want on the parapet? I’m for the guy who can tell the lion from the lamb.”

Maybe it was just my brain at the end of a long day, but this really made me laugh.

The front fell off.  I’m not sure how to describe this, but it’s a funny 2-minute video.

Do you give money to Jewish organizations, or to Christian organizations to help Israel?  Many Christians do.  There are several problems involved in such giving, but here’s just one (via the Caspari Report):  Following reports that [leader] Yechiel Eckstein makes $824,000 a year, Haaretz (October 3) published a brief piece noting this fact – and the fact that the IFCJ which he directs, and which is considered to be the pioneer in raising funds from evangelical Christians, raised $75 million last year. $42 million was given as charity, while $30 million went to salaries and support for various projects.

This video on James 3 is good for reflection.

4 thoughts on “Jehu, E’s, Videos

  1. Benj Foreman

    I’d really like to see what you come up with on Isa 7 when you’re done. I’ve never really heard (or read) a satisfying answer so I’d love to read your paper.

  2. Brian


    Very interesting note on the charity giving. When I was working for the newspaper, they did an annual United Way campaign. Those who gave money had the chance for some nice prizes — trip for four to Disneyland, with airfare, hotel, tickets, some food, and a little cash; a weekend in Half Moon Bay; event tickets; etc. I always gave.

    You could give to any non-profit group, so I donated both to Grace to You and The Master’s College (usually giving more to TMC). It’s amazing, because I never expected the liberal United Way would give this money.

    IIRC, the college usually ended up getting shorted a bit, because United Way always took a small percentage out and the college just told me to be careful, because the United Way does support some less favorable groups. It was funny though. I even think I put money to Focus on the Family one year — since Planned Parenthood was one of the favored United Way groups.

    The college would always call and say they got the money (which ended up being most of what I gave anyway, so no biggie) to ask what I was intending to fund. I usually just specified general fund. I also was told that it would be better just to write out the monthly check, so the college got ALL of what I intended. Only problem than was that I wouldn’t get any of the goodies from work.

  3. Sam Neylan

    ok, I know that oft times my comments are not all that ‘academic’ sounding like many other comments. Maybe I’m just dumb…so, here’s another comment acknowledging how hilarious the ‘front fell off’ video was. Was that a real interview? meaning, not a joke? cuz that was GREAT stuff.
    As usual, I can always count on you to provide posts that offer true wit. thanx!

  4. Todd Bolen

    Sam – I believe I heard that it was not a real interview. Sorry if that ruins it.


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