Books, Reviews, and Newsletters

By | December 30, 2008

So, judging from the media’s reporting, how many books do you suppose President Bush read the last three years?  A half?  Actually, he read the Bible cover to cover each year.  Besides that, he has averaged 62 books each of the last three years.  That’s impressive, especially for someone with a few other things to do.

If you always wondered what an ad would look like that cost $10 million to make, now you know.

A teeny step of forward movement: a book review that I wrote is published in the current issue of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (not online).

If you like reading about Windows matters, one of the best newsletters out there (after they swallowed a couple of other good ones) is Windows Secrets.  They are now offering a free 3-month subscription to their paid version of the newsletter:

My humble offering to the Israeli leaders: earplugs and a determination for nothing less than victory.

Dave Berry has a funny essay on “The Year in Review.”

You can see our latest family photo here.  If you did not receive by snail mail, but would like, our family Christmas letter, email me and I ‘ll send it as an attachment.

4 thoughts on “Books, Reviews, and Newsletters

  1. Ilena

    Your family has grown (taller)! Your sweet children are so beautiful. Maybe someday I’ll make it to the lone star state and visit…or maybe I’ll see you and your family again in Israel. There is always the “free trip” to Israel, as my dad says! May the Lord bless you greatly this next year!

  2. Ruth

    I just saw that article about Bush’s reading list on another friends blog today…pretty impressive.

    Ad – pretty monumental :)

    this morning I listened to a chapel message that you gave at TMC on the dangers of falling away…I really liked the way you took the two verses from Paul side by side to challenge the complacency that we may fall prey to based on believing that you can not loose salvation. Thanks for addressing this topic, I really felt like you did a great job covering personal concerns while staying strong on doctrine.

  3. Ian Hall

    George W, a serious book reader – you just wouldn’t know it when you listen to him speak publicly. Fascinating insight though into the real W- a somewhat different character to the one of liberal media myth.

  4. Austin Surls

    Hey, I read the Book Review in JETS and was excited to see your name there.
    I had heard that Israel Finklestein was quite skeptical of the Bible, and this book surely confirms it. We learned about some of the debate in my Old Testament Critical Issues class. I wonder what these schools will make of the new find in the Elah Fortress?


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