January 21

By | January 21, 2009

If you think the U.S. economy is bad, you should try living in Zimbabwe where they just introduced a $100 trillion bill!

There is a ton of wisdom and experience in the Bethlehem Relational Commitments (pdf) document of Bethlehem Baptist Church.  It seems like a great place to start if you ‘re in church leadership and you don’t have some of these matters established in your congregation.

If you ‘re unhappy with the focus of the Isaiah series on the hope aspect and would like some judgment mixed in, you can listen to a modern version of Isaiah 1 by Jon Foreman (of Switchfoot).

It turns out that my knee problem is a stress fracture.  That means no running for 4-6 months.  Fortunately, I have been pain free since I went to the doctor.

3 thoughts on “January 21

  1. Brian

    They don’t have a picture of the money. I’ll have to see if anyone is selling these, as I would love to have one.

    Oh and “Who Wants To Be A Trillionaire” … next big thing in game shows in Zimbabwe.

  2. Brian

    Thanks Todd. They don’t even have the new exchange rates up for these yet at XE.com. They have the old exchange rate and at one point 100 trillion was still a nice chunk of USD (25 Z$:1 US$ … do the math). I’m sure the value now is much, much less (especially if they can let them go on eBay for so little).


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