Santa Clarita, July 20

By | July 1, 2009

My family is heading out west to visit my parents and brother’s family in Oregon later this month and on our way, we ‘re going to pass through Santa Clarita.  I don’t know if any of our old IBEX friends are still around, but if so, Jenn Kintner has volunteered to host a little get-together on July 20 starting at 7:00 p.m.  The address is 27398 Coldwater Drive, Valencia.  We might have a little time the next day if that doesn’t work for your schedule.

6 thoughts on “Santa Clarita, July 20

  1. Matt Mehringer

    This is great news! Ash and I will certainly do our best to stop by and visit!

  2. Happy

    Arrghh!! I wish we could make it. Amy and I miss ALL the IBEX reunions!

  3. Todd Bolen

    Jennica – smart thinking!

    Matt and Ashley – excellent!

    Happy – don’t be sad.

    Al – southern, not far from Grants Pass.

  4. Al

    Grants Pass….Too bad. I was hoping you’d be in the north. That’s within lunch range.


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