
By | July 4, 2009

I’m preaching at our church tomorrow.  My name is even temporarily posted on the internet. 

This will bring to a screeching halt seven years of freedom from wearing a colorful rope around my neck.  It hasn’t always been so.  There was a time in my life when I wore one six days a week.

7 thoughts on “Preaching

  1. Jennica-Ayelet

    Haha! At least it isn’t a hangman’s noose…unless you plan on preaching heresy. You should have Kelli take a picture of you to remember this event, with a sad face of course.

  2. Bill

    Hope it went well, Todd. John 2:28 would be a pretty amazing verse indeed. Makes me wonder about 26 and 27 also. ;)

  3. Bill

    Oh, delete! I’m the idiot who can’t read. Time for sleepies, evidently.

  4. Todd Bolen

    Bill – the verse that the sermon title refers to is 1 John 3:2, specifically the words, “we shall be like him.”

  5. dfrese

    That’s how they do things down in Texas, huh? What would happen if you showed up in a polo shirt?

  6. Todd Bolen

    They would have let me preach, but some people would have taken it as a sign of disrespect. An important part of this is how it is currently done. Since the pastor (exactly my age) always preaches in a suit and tie, it would have made a statement if I had done something different. If in Israel I had preached with a suit a tie, it would have made a different statement. Since it’s probably one or the other, I would prefer that they hear the statements that are being made from the Word of God rather than my dress.


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