Squishy Apples

By | July 16, 2009

Apple Inc.  legal representatives asked Microsoft Corp recently to "stop running" advertisements suggesting Apple’s computers are expensive, Microsoft Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner said. The interaction has emboldened Microsoft, which plans to continue with its so-called "Laptop Hunter" marketing campaign after learning, however indirectly, how effective the advertisement’s underlying message is in rankling Apple. "We’re just going to keep running them and running them and running them," Turner said during a Wednesday address to Microsoft’s Worldwide Partner Conference 2009. Turner said the call from Apple took place two weeks ago, and the attorneys asked that the company no longer run the ads because the company had "lowered our prices."

I don’t make the news, I just report it.  And laugh.  Poor Apple. Somebody is making unfair, but entertaining and effective, commercials about you.  What gall! 

Apple buyers, you can thank us PCers for saving you money.  As soon as MS stops running the ads, the Apple tax will return.

6 thoughts on “Squishy Apples

  1. Al

    With the way Apple has (effectively) beat up MS with the “I’m a Mac” ads, asking MS to stop hacking at them in ads is amazingly hard to swallow.

  2. A.D. Riddle

    You get what you pay for. That’s all I’m going to say.

  3. Thom Hill

    Thank you PC users — for using an inferior product, and thanks to competition, making my preferred product cheaper.
    Thank you very much!


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