
By | March 22, 2010

If you prayed for me in my recent struggle for what to preach on at TMC, thank you.  I was brushing my teeth this morning when “I” “figured out” the direction that the two messages should take.  I have a lot of work now, but now that the main points are clear, I can do that work with some traction, no longer spinning my wheels.

I’m not going to outline my messages here or now, but I will say that it looks like four major studies I’ve done in the last 2.5 years will all play a significant role in these messages.  I guess another way of looking at it is to say that 2.5 years and tens of thousands of dollars have prepared me to preach two sermons.

5 thoughts on “Breakthrough

  1. Joshua Grauman


    Good to hear. Did you mention the dates for those chapels for anyone that might be interested in showing up?



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