That Texas Trip

By | March 25, 2010

A friend of ours at church has a lease on a ranch northwest of Dallas.  We had a good time.  I ‘ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

100319776tb Luke taking tire off truck

100319797tb The Beast

 100319812tb Luke catching first fish

 100319833tb Mark with large fish 

100319857tb Fish eating fish eating fish

100319863tb Luke and Mark in deer stand at Rancho La Paz 

100320876tb Old house in Bryson 

100320877tb Old house in Bryson, built in 1878

100319867tb Scenery at Rancho La Paz

I ‘ll admit here publicly, for the sake of one of my friends, that I saw parts of Texas that were beautiful.

3 thoughts on “That Texas Trip

  1. Todd Bolen

    It was 5 lbs the first time we weighed it and 4 lbs later in the day. They say the fish should weigh 8+ lbs, but the lake has too many fish (and thus we were helping by pulling out small stuff).


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