Follow-up to Guess Which One

By | June 9, 2010

I meant to follow-up more quickly on the Guess Which One post; my apologies to those who were waiting.

The correct answer was #8: In fact, I have too many books on my desk.  The rest are all true.  A few comments.

1. Our boys did graduate and they ‘re off to “middle school” in the fall.  One other unique feature of schools here (unique to me, anyway) is that high school is different than senior high school.  If we lived in Plano for another 7 years, our boys would go to middle school for 6-8, then to another school for 9-10, and then to yet another for 11-12.  Strangely enough, middle school and senior high school are located next to each other, but the high school is some miles distant.

2. Yes, it took the editor 11 months to get to the chapter I wrote for a book.  Fortunately he liked it and not much work was required.  Unfortunately, most students who read the book will probably never get to the chapter, given the fact that it’s on Chronicles and it’s the last chapter in the book (following the Hebrew canonical order).

4. An arrest has been made in the case of the woman murdered a few houses down.  Her son.

5. That was true, but since then I finished Obadiah.  Now I’m down to the exile (Ezekiel and Daniel), with only six post-exilic books to follow.  Goal to finish: July 16.

6. Truly I would recommend you never ever go to a store named something close to A—zone.  They give dishonesty new depths of meaning.

8. I should have left this one out, as it just made it too easy.

9. This one however threw some of you.  It is absolutely true.  I was seriously and honestly thinking of it for about six months.  But the day after I wrote the post I saw a couple of guys with shaved heads and I was not impressed.  My haircut was postponed in any case.  My barber should call in a few minutes and then the final decision will be made, but I’m pretty sure I won’t go through with it. (I should add here: the thought was that this was a one-time thing, best done at when I would see relatively few people.)

10. Boy

11. I’m also reading Continuity and Discontinuity.

12. Need a cellphone?

13. Fortunately only $3.81 at Home Depot for a new sprinkler head.

16. I’m really glad I wasn’t taught that the Book of Mormon is a good book.  Watching a new movie on it tonight reinforced my conviction that it is a scam.  Unfortunately a very successful scam.

3 thoughts on “Follow-up to Guess Which One

  1. Laura Revely

    Congratualtions Bolens! That is SO exciting about #10! I was hopping that one was true :) …my only thought is that you are talking about someone else’s baby…you have fooled me before!


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