My Name in Ink

By | September 13, 2010

I know that this is going to disappoint some of you, but I trust that you can look past the exterior and not allow it to change your feelings about who I am inside. 

Last year I got a tattoo. 

Bolen-tattooIf you ‘re apt to look down on me, I point out in my defense that it is in a location that is easy to conceal, so I’m not always flaunting it.  As you can see, I’m staying in good shape.

5 thoughts on “My Name in Ink

  1. Meisha Preston

    This was the funniest thing I have seen all day! It definitely made me laugh out loud! :)

  2. Jack Pitney

    I’m with Gunner…don’t mind the ink, but I don’t want to see those purple shorts!

  3. Benj Foreman

    Actually I thought you were more ripped than that. You don’t even have a six pack!

    Those are the shorts you designed for the FA’96 IBEXers, right? And then from then on the students took over… :-)


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