Name This Book

By | January 3, 2011

The book of __________ may well be the most neglected book in the Christian canon. Though Jewish people read the book once a year on …, preaching or teaching on this book in the church is scarce indeed. In three years of doctoral study, I don’t recall a reference being made to this book in any of my seminars or research. Though most know the book’s central statement of …, general ignorance seems to be pervasive about the rest of the book.

House observes that the book is obscure even in the scholarly world, and he longs for the day when this book is considered by the church (not reconsidered, for it has not “ever truly been embraced even by those normally most committed to biblical studies”).

Ironically, the book seems to be neglected in spite of the fact that its anonymity and lack of direct historical references were likely intended to make the work as universally useful as possible.

The answer is different than the one to the previous “test.”

8 thoughts on “Name This Book

  1. G.M. Grena

    SOS is a good guess, Yuliya, but verse 1 kind of blows its “anonymity”, don’t you think? I’m w/ Happy (which has a sort of funny irony if we’re right).

  2. Dave Spice

    The Lamentations of…an unnamed author. It is read yearly by the Jews on Tisha ba-av.

  3. Todd Bolen Post author

    Lamentations is right. Perhaps this post gave some of you an idea…


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