Yesterday Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver announced that they were separating. They don’t want the public to know much, but they want us to know this:
After a great deal of thought, reflection, discussion, and prayer, we came to this decision together.
Does anything stand out to you in this statement? Clearly they are a couple of deep devotion. They don’t say it exactly, but they want you to understand that their future divorce is God’s will. How can you deny that when they have prayed about it. Prayer, after all, is one’s connection to God and the way he reveals his will. It’s also quite handy that you can’t argue with what God revealed to me in my prayers.
Also yesterday, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted to allow clergy to be involved in homosexual and lesbian relationships. Now you can be a pastor and have a sexual relationship with someone not your spouse and have the church’s blessing. Top Presbyterian executives issued a statement in which they said this:
However, as Presbyterians, we believe that the only way we will find God’s will for the church is by seeking it together — worshipping, praying, thinking and serving alongside one another.”
Ah, here it is again. The Presbyterians learned God’s will by praying together. Thank goodness for that. Otherwise I might have supposed that they were bowing to cultural pressure and sinners in their midst. But they prayed about it so I simply cannot argue with it.
It is important to note that this is a prepared statement. It’s not somebody speaking off-the-cuff who didn’t have his thoughts organized and just happened to overlook the relevance of God’s Word to the discussion. No, the top Presbyterian executives—the leaders of the church—carefully excluded the Bible from the decision-making process.
In a way, this is refreshing. They aren’t trying to assert that they have a biblical mandate. They aren’t saying (at least here) that when Jesus said
“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female, ‘ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh ‘? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” (Matt 19:4-6)
that he really meant that homosexual relations were part of God’s plan. There is nothing in the statement that says that Paul’s condemnation of homosexuality is really commendation. There is nothing in the statement that “keeping the marriage bed holy” allows for sexual relations with people you are not married with. The top Presbyterian executives do not claim to have found a new meaning in Paul’s emphatic declaration:
It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God (1 Thess 4:3-5).
It is refreshing that (at least in the portion of the statement quoted in the article) there is no dishonesty in claiming Scriptural backing for this new understanding of God’s will. Endorsing gay pastors is not a matter of the Bible but of prayer. This is explicit in a comparison of the old and new language in the PCUSA’s constitution.
Old language:
Those who are called to office in the church are to lead a life in obedience to Scripture and in conformity to the historic confessional standards of the church.
New language:
Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life.
Fortunately we can submit to the “Lordship of Jesus Christ” in whatever way we damn well please feel the Lord leading us in prayer.
I too have been praying and the Lord has made something clear to me. Christ is the head of his body (Eph 1:22-23). Christ speaks through his Word (John 12:48). Those who do not submit to the head of the church as he speaks in his Word are not his body. The Presbyterian Church (USA) is a lot of things but it is not a church. Their god is their own word, not his Word. Their submission is to their own sinful passions, not to the holiness demanded by the Lord. They are described in Scripture:
They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good (Titus 1:16).
When the “church” makes prayer the means for determining God’s will, then it no longer has any moral authority. The PCUSA cannot say to Arnold and Maria that their divorce is outside of God’s will because Arnold and Maria have prayed about it. The PCUSA cannot say to factory owners who oppress the poor that they are wrong because they have rejected an external standard for determining right and wrong. The PCUSA has no more authority than cultural mores in condemning pedophilia. If this is the case, what use does the PCUSA have? Jesus has a suggestion.
You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men (Matt 5:13).
I read the same articles yesterday and was saddened by both as well. Thank you for your thoughts and scripture!
Well said Todd. Unfortunately this type of behavior is relatively common place in “Christian” circles today
Sadly, this is true. The next few years will see major changes in the PC(USA) and a great many of us either leave or isolate ourselves from the rest of the denomination. We have jumped the shark. Sad for a church with such a great heritage.
A few points:
1) This evening I saw a headline quoting the former CA governor saying he & Maria “Love Each Other Very Much”. I thought, “Yes, that makes sense. Now I understand why they’re getting divorced: because they love each other very much just like all married couples.”
2) Also this evening, I received the “final” monthly mailing-list letter sent by Harold Camping bidding us Family Radio supporters farewell, since (as every Christian surely knows by now from studying their Bible) Judgment Day is May 21st, & there won’t be enough time to send out another (paper) letter. Despite what so many people have said about his faulty interpretation of Scripture, Camping has also been adamantly saying that Satan rules the churches today (since he believes the Church Age ended in 1988). Camping may be wrong about May 21st, but Todd’s discussion of the PCUSA (along with the obvious problems in other major “Christian” institutions such as the Catholic & Mormon churches) shows that on this point, Camping is correct.
3) Coupled with the recent speech by PM Netanyahu (per Todd’s “The Only Guarantee of Israel ‘s Existence”), it’s all very sad. Oh for the days when we can just argue about who serves the best hamburgers!
To be fair, churches lapsing into error is not a modern problem. Anyone who thinks this is something new is woefully ignorant of church history. Camping is myopic, at best. If he’s still here on the 22nd, well….
Al – I’m not sure what the relevance of Camping is to this matter. Does he lead a church or a movement? There is a big difference between a group of churches who defect and one man is a false teacher. And I hope you didn’t mean that if seriously.
I do believe that someday, someone will actually get the right date. It will be pure coincidence.
On the other hand, he may just choose the one date that no one else has.
Todd, thank you for this article. This was very helpful.