
By | August 9, 2011

This place is unlike Jamestown, Yorktown, Boston, Philadelphia, and other colonial sites because in the middle of the modern city, they have restored the original town to its historic state. Many of the “guides” at the various buildings in the village are dressed and act as a character would in the 1770s.

The boys wanted to go to the magazine and see where all the weapons were stored. Later in the day we were able to see some of the muskets fired.

110719307tb Luke, Mark, and Jonathan in magazine at Williamsburg

We have been having some difficulties with the girls on this trip and after the last episode, I had had enough. Into the stocks they go!

110719310tb Katie and Bethany in stocks at Williamsburg

We saw several performances, including one where a suitor proposed.

110719318tb Marriage proposal at Williamsburg

It was a day in the stroller for the little guy.

110719325tb Jonathan at Williamsburg

After the Declaration of Independence was read from the statehouse, they fired off the muskets.

110719342tb Firing muskets at Williamsburg

The kids played a game which challenged them to go to various sites in the village and do certain tasks. In the garden they were put to work.

110719356tb Luke carrying bucket of water at Williamsburg

The church building continues to have services and is not part of the paid admission. Here Mark sits in the pew where George Washington sat when he came to Williamsburg.

110719363tb Mark in George Washington's pew in church at Williamsburg

By the end of the day we were quite tired, though some lemonade helped to perk the kids up. We could easily spend another day here, but our hotel for the night is near Washington, DC, which means we have a three-hour drive yet before we can rest!

110719370tb Family at Governor's Palace in Williamsburg

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