Pennsylvania Farm

By | August 11, 2011

After some long, tiring days sightseeing, it was sure good to relax for a day on the farm of our friend Becky. The kids had a variety of experiences but my camera only captured the time out on the bean pickers.

Becky’s father used to pick beans by hand. Today machines are much quicker, easier, and efficient.

110722401tb Beanpickers at Bange farm

The boys rode in one bean picker, run by Becky’s brother. If you look close, you can see the beans shooting into the tank.

110722403tb Beanpicker with boys at Bange farm

The girls rode with Becky’s nephew, though from the looks of it, Bethany may have taught him more than he taught her.

110722414tb Beanpicker with girls at Bange farm

The most impressive part of the operation was dumping the beans into the tractor. It’s quite a maneuvering job to keep them from landing back in the fields.

110722424tb Beanpicker dumping load at Bange farm

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