
By | August 17, 2011

The most memorable part of the day for me was the walk back. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy seeing all of the sites (I did!), but for some reason I really enjoyed walking the two miles from the end of the Freedom Trail back to the parking lot. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that I was carrying no bags and herding no children. I was all alone, walking through the streets of Boston on a beautiful day.

From our reading, we assumed that it would be a shorter and easier day because walking the Freedom Trail was said to take only 2-3 hours. So we took our time. When we were less than halfway done midway through the afternoon, we realized we had to step up the pace. We made it to everything, though the monument on Bunker Hill (or is it Breeds?) was closed when we arrived.

The Boston Commons was a pleasant place to start our day’s journey. The city parking lot is conveniently located beneath the park.

110727000tb Family at Boston Common

We saw several cemeteries today, including this tombstone belonging to “Frank, Servant to John Hancock.” That prompted some thoughts, but weariness prevents me from interfering with your own reflection.

110727006tb Grave of Frank, servant of John Hancock

This next sign made me sad. You may have to click to enlarge it in order to read it.

110727019tb King's Chapel sign, first Unitarian church in America

We spent a good bit of time inside the Old South Meeting House. There is an admission fee, but it is worth it to read about all of the history in the well-designed displays. Jonathan would likely put this stop at the top of his list, but for different reasons.

110727024tb Old South Meeting House interior with Jonathan

We made it to the U.S.S Constitution in time for the last Navy sailor-guided tour of the day. It was great to learn about this historic ship from a serving Navyman.

110727046tb Kids on USS Constitution

This photo, aboard “Old Ironsides” strikes me as symmetric.

110727048tb Bethany on USS Constitution

I snapped this photo on Bunker Hill before I left my camera and bag behind and started my trek to get the car. I believe the kids had a lot of fun on this grass while I was gone. (I suppose that makes us even.)

110727062tb Kids on lawn at Bunker Hill

A trip to Walmart for boy’s shoes and groceries was one of the reasons we didn’t get in to our room until after 10. A more restful stretch is coming, but it does not start tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Boston

  1. Dan Pence

    I love reading these updates. I feel like I am on vacation with you guys. Thank you. I absolutely love the family pictures so don’t ever feel bad about putting more of them in. It’s fun to see a family enjoying both themselves and this nations history/beauty.

  2. Todd Bolen Post author

    Dan – I appreciate it. I haven’t been sure if hijacking the blog for a series of family posts would be of interest. Thanks for taking the time to encourage.

  3. Yuliya

    Love that picture of all the kids next to a lifesaver. Jonathan’s smile is priceless. Miss you guys!


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