New Hampshire

By | August 20, 2011

I knew I would like New Hampshire when we crossed the border and the sign had the state motto, “Live Free or Die.” Its southern neighbor, known for its oppressive laws, seems to live by the slogan, “We ‘d Rather Die.” I don’t know how conservative New Hampshire really is, but they don’t have a seatbelt law (for adults) which is a good sign.

We woke up again at the Wings ‘ home. We were, in fact, the first people to sleep in the new master bedroom, and we counted that a privilege! After a hearty breakfast of Dunkin Donuts, we headed out for the day, first making a stop at a farm that was home to Robert Frost in the early 20th century.

110730519tb Home of Robert Frost

If there is one place to go in New Hampshire, we are told, it is to Flume Gorge. Indeed, it is spectacular. After a couple hours of driving north through the beautiful state, we stopped and had a picnic lunch before embarking on the hike.

110730529tb Flume Gorge

The hike is through a narrow gorge through which water still flows. The built path makes it easy for everyone to visit. Below Brandon pauses to take a photo. Their youngest daughter, Natalie, enjoyed the ride on his back.

110730544tb Flume Gorge

New Hampshire is famous for covered bridges and this one crosses the river near a pool not far from the gorge. (In looking up the name of the place, I came across some beautiful photos of this scene.)

110730574tb Pool and covered bridge near Flume Gorge

This beautiful girl may distract you from the tree growing on the rock. I guess it really wanted to live.

110730576tb Bethany with trees growing on rocks

Here the girls pause for a break. I wonder what they were talking about. Perhaps Bethany was asking Olivia if she would be her roommate at IBEX in the year 2020.

110730579tb Matilda, Rachel, Olivia Wing and Bethany, Katie

These more relaxing days in New England are a welcome break and will be full of good memories.

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