Family Pics: Birthday Edition

By | October 30, 2011

There are at least five reasons why I don’t write more on this blog. Two of them had birthdays recently.


We have a beautiful nine-year-old daughter!


Our ten-month-old son sports a shirt made for one of his older brothers.


Those nylon tote bags have never had a better use!


The balloons didn’t launch because of weather but we had a good time with friends anyway.


It’s not so easy to get his attention when he’s engaged.


One year old!


It’s mine! Stay away, vultures!


Real people’s food, finally!


4 thoughts on “Family Pics: Birthday Edition

  1. G.M. Grena

    Totally awesome photos, Todd! Thanks for sharing, & glad y’all had a great time. (The books look great too…)

  2. Ilena

    Oh, I love the update pictures of the kids! And, even though I’m super excited for Bethany’s birthday, it always reminds me that, now, 9 yrs. ago, I was in Israel…and now I’m not. Bitter sweet! I can’t believe how big your kids are getting! I can relate to the “It’s mine! Stay away vultures!” sentiment of the youngest ;) This comment made me laugh aloud! :)

  3. Jodi Dyck

    Thanks for sharing the photos! Your kids are precious, and I can’t believe how big they all are. Righ now, I am down spending the weekend at Master’s with Jenn Kintner and Cynthia Hawkins… more than a few of our reminiscing sessions have had memories of the Bolens in them. We miss you guys and are thankful for you! :)


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