November 12

By | November 12, 2011

I would recommend the 180 movie to you. I can’t say that I “learned” anything, but it was thought-provoking in a variety of ways.

The ESV has quietly made changes to more than 275 verses in the text. That’s a good start.

I am a fan of the traditional model of education and not much of a fan of distance “education.” I tend to suspect that the schools want money and the students want it easier. That makes it a “win-win.” DTS professor Jeffrey Bingham gives a thoughtful explanation for why education is best done in person.

I wish I could write a full post in response to “Why You and I Could Not Write the Book of Revelation.” There are some good thoughts here but I’d like to say more.

I mentioned one 2012 Holy Land calendar before, but there’s now another Lands of the Bible calendar available in some retail stores (e.g., Hobby Lobby), as well as Amazon ($11). I really like it. (Probably my favorite ever, as I essentially chose all the photos and was not limited to Israel.)

One thought on “November 12

  1. Al Sandalow

    I have to admit, I have not been especially impressed with the ESV. Not that it’s bad, but I don’t see it as a great improvement over other available options. Those who used to love the NASB seem to have adopted it as the successor. Unfortunately the big $$$ associated with Bible publishing these days makes the whole translation promotion thing a little crass.


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