A Big Day

By | May 15, 2012

120515564tb Kids with new PLBL

I’ve created a number of digital publications over the years, but this was the first one in which the whole family was involved. Lots of little details that most will never guess needed to be done were worked on by these four over the last year. Thus they were all excited when I delivered the masters to the replicator and when their own copies arrived in the mail. (I think they are also in awe that they now have a personal possession valued at about $400.)

I can only wonder what help will be provided in the future by the little guy holding the dog.

6 thoughts on “A Big Day

  1. Dave A.

    They mentioned ebay yet, have they? They might be able to get enough from selling one copy to buy two if they market their auction cleverly. ;^)

    In all seriousness, though, that’s a treasure chest of memories they’re holding. Both Biblical and Familial :^)

  2. Hans

    Tell them that I’ll pay one of them in cold hard $1 bills up to $50 if they want to make a deal.


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