Twin Cities

By | August 13, 2012

A day went by in which I didn’t take any photos, and so I’m going to skip over our drive into Minnesota and time with some family. The next day we visited a few sites in the Twin Cities area, including Kelli’s alma mater, Bethel College (now Bethel University). The older kids have seen The Master’s College and all are going to become very familiar with it, so it was nice for them to see their mom’s old stomping grounds. Kelli was a Bible major who excelled in Greek. She really was hoping to see her old professor for whom she was a T.A. (and for which she was mentioned in the preface of an important scholarly work), but no one answered a knock on his office door. Kelli took the time to write out a note to him and by the time she had finished, the professor had returned. It was a great blessing, not only to her, but also to me, as this distinguished scholar put everything down to give us a tour of the new buildings on campus. I will never forget his generosity (of time) for some people he could have easily dismissed with a kind word and a handshake.


Kelli with her Greek professor


The kids at Bethel University

Then we headed to Como Park, a favorite place of Kelli’s while living in St. Paul for four years of college (minus, of course, one very important semester in Israel). Somehow I thought that the carnival-type rides there were free, but after everyone got over their disappointment, we enjoyed our time at the zoo portion of the park.

120723122tb Family watching seal show at Como Park, Minneapolis

The seal and sea lion show

120723132tb Family watching giraffes at Como Park, Minneapolis

Giraffes with tall sunshade

We spent the late afternoon and evening with an old friend from our Institute days and his wife and four children. He is now an OT scholar teaching at a new seminary and it was a joy to see how his passion for the Lord has only increased as his knowledge of God’s Word has deepened. He and his wife will be traveling to Africa later this month to bring home two children they have adopted. It was a perfect evening with one exception—I forgot to take a photo!

2 thoughts on “Twin Cities

  1. Ilena Madraso

    Never knew about “Blue Laws.” Thanks for the link. I’m now better informed regarding American Pharisaical Laws ;)

  2. Ilena Madraso

    Ooops! Placed the above comment on the wrong post! Heehee!


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