The Riddles

By | August 16, 2012

We took a short drive this morning in the direction of Chicago to meet up with our friends the Riddles. About 10 years ago, A.D. contacted me by email about my photo collection. In the years since, he has helped me to improve the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands in many ways. We met in person for the first time in the airport in Athens before beginning a two-week photo tour of the Greek islands and southwestern Turkey. It’s probably fair to say that without his help the last two years, I wouldn’t have finished the new edition. His wife Katerine translated

I did not take any photos, but Kelli got quite a few. We ‘ll start with the kids on the playground.


Bethany, not camera shy


Jonathan, learning to enjoy the effects of gravity

A.D. and I talked for a long time about a lot of things. We have too many ideas and not enough time and energy.


A.D. and me

Then A.D. fired up the grill and made some amazing barbecued chicken.


Everyone is getting hungry.


Two cute Riddles


The Riddles and the Bolens

A.D. is now the fourth OT scholar I’ve shared a meal with this week. All four either have or are earning PhDs in the Old Testament. If you can tell anything from the friends you keep, maybe there is hope yet for me.

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