Celebrating 50 Years

By | August 17, 2012

Kelli and I celebrated her parents ‘ 30th anniversary by running off and getting engaged. Twenty years later, we celebrated with a big party with all of the family. We started off with a portrait session with all of the kids and grandkids.

120728232tb Grandpa and Grandpa Wilson with Bethany and Katie before family photo

On the way to the portrait session

Then we headed out to the neighborhood lakehouse for a meal with more extended family.

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The neighborhood lakehouse

Before everyone arrived, Grandpa had some alone time with his youngest grandson.

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Grandpa and Jonathan

While the adults arrived and greeted each other, the kids played some basketball.

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Bethany tries a granny shot

Friends from the church catered a delicious meal.

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Cousin Taryn with her first plate

After lunch, some headed for the playground and others returned to the basketball court.

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Luke shoots

Others opted to go check out Grandpa’s collection of wood boats and old outboard motors.

120728392tb Kirby, John, Ryan, Dave looking at boat motors

Grandpa’s hobby

When the party died down, we headed indoors and the kids played some games.

120728421tb Kids play Uno


The ladies divvied up the photos from the morning session.

120728416tb Taylar, Bethany, Sandy, Kelli sorting photos


And before the day was over, Kelli had a few minutes to hang out with her sister.

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Kari, Kelli, and Jonathan

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