Monthly Archives: August 2012

North Dakota

By | August 12, 2012

We were on our way to a grocery store for some breakfast when someone observed that we were driving east in southwestern North Dakota. By the end of the day we would be in Fargo, and our schedule called for two major stops along the way. Fort Mandan was the first winter camp of the… Read More »

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

By | August 11, 2012

What is there in North Dakota to see, you might wonder. Well, we spent the first of two full days in the state at the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The site is protected because of the beautiful scenic landscapes, and its name comes from the president who established a ranch in the area during his… Read More »

Cathedral Spires and Devil’s Tower

By | August 10, 2012

I didn’t have much of a plan today besides having fun on our way to an overnight in North Dakota. I figured that we wouldn’t see all of Custer State Park and the Black Hills yesterday and that it would be nice to have some extra time to look around and possibly go on a… Read More »

Rushmore and Custer

By | August 9, 2012

I wouldn’t have guessed that the most expensive part of our trip would be in southwestern South Dakota, but it was. I expected that such a remote place would have affordable hotels, but because the area is so beautiful, it has become a vacation spot and thus expensive. We certainly enjoyed our time in the… Read More »

20 Years

By | August 8, 2012

I’m going to take today off from blogging our vacation as Kelli and I are celebrating 20 years of a happy and blessed marriage. When I return, we ‘ll continue on our journey to see 4 presidents carved in stone. July 28, 2012

The Badlands

By | August 7, 2012

A morning drive across South Dakota set us up for a leisurely afternoon hiking and driving through Badlands National Park. The scenery reminded me some of the Qumran/Masada area and some of Bryce Canyon in Utah. View from Big Badlands Overlook We had time to do a number of hikes. Here the whole family hikes… Read More »

On to South Dakota

By | August 6, 2012

Our travels through Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota today included some nice variety. Our stop at Kenefick Park with its massive locomotives gave us the excuse of studying the transcontinental railroad earlier this summer. Some day I’d like to read Ambrose’s Nothing Like It in the World. Locomotives at Kenefick Park, Omaha, Nebraska Youth pastor… Read More »

Kansas and Nebraska

By | August 5, 2012

When I envisioned this trip, I had thoughts that we might spend a day or so in each state as we headed north to North Dakota. As it turned out, I couldn’t find much to do in the states “on the way,” but plenty of good sites in South and North Dakota. Thus today was… Read More »

Friends in Oklahoma

By | August 4, 2012

My series last year on our family vacation seemed to be appreciated, so I am going to try it again this year. Because of time limitations while traveling, the series is delayed by three weeks, but I will write as if I am describing events that occurred today. Our plans this year are for a… Read More »