I am alive. Still intending to keep this blog alive as well. Thanks for stopping by. Here are some links of interest.
My family enjoyed hearing how Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart might have played “Happy Birthday.”
I’ve been pronouncing Iran wrong for a long time. Iraq too.
The Maccabeats sing good Hebrew harmony.
I’ve been waiting a long time for this book. (I provided the photos and wrote the chapter on 1-2 Chronicles.) I hope to write more about it another time.
This graphic tells some of the Perils of Doing a Ph.D.
Saw the Maccabeats last week in Grand Rapids, they were awesome. You should arrange for them to sing at the Masters College…it would do that community some good to have young Orthodox’s in their midst, even if only for a concert. Have a blessed Chanukkah.
Shalom Shalom, Mike H