June 1

By | June 1, 2010

If you liked the last visual illusion I posted here (with the candles), you might like the winner of the Best Visual Illusion of the Year for 2010.

This 3-minute video on the “Contemporvant Worship Service” has gone viral.  If you haven’t seen it, and you ‘re my age or younger, you ‘ll probably like it.  Kauflin’s insights below are very good.

These guys have figured out how to walk on water.

If you wistfully recall the days of learning Rambam’s thirteen principles, you may enjoy this article about the man behind them.

I liked Garrison Keillor’s article on “The End of an Era in Publishing.”

3 thoughts on “June 1

  1. jacquelyn

    I’m so “growtivated” now! Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you for awhile now, can you recommend a commentary on Isaiah that not only explains it but is accessible to someone who hasn’t gone to seminary? Thanks.

  2. Todd Bolen

    Jacquelyn – yes, the book you should get is Barry Webb, The Message of Isaiah. He does an excellent job of accurately explaining the book in a brief and accessible way. I recommend it to all.

  3. G.M. Grena

    Minor detail: At no point in the video do the men ever “walk on water”; they can only run on water.


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