I know that it’s been a few days since I posted here last and I really owe you something interesting, but I am just tuckered out after spending all night in line waiting for the opening of the first ever In-N-Out in Dallas. I was hoping to have some insightful wisdom from Scripture, but all I can think of are stories from TV shows. I guess I can tell you about a big event in our family’s life.
We waited a long time to do it but the girls were just so excited that we finally went ahead and got them tattoos. The designs are multi-colored and though the girls cried during the process, they have stopped now. I know that some people think it is unbiblical to have permanent tattoos placed on the body (Lev 19:28) but those people are just wrong because we are not under the Law anymore! We have freedom from the Law, Prophets, and Wisdom, and we honor Jesus when we take advantage of the freedom he died to give us. Besides that, tattoos aren’t really permanent because one day you die and you can’t take a tattoo with you! Kelli and I were really convicted about our daughters ‘ purity after going to a Bill Gothard seminar and so we could think of no more loving act than to have the centerpiece of the belly tattoo read “Song of Solomon 8:9.” That is surrounded by a beautiful floral pattern, and along the base of the design is written a gentle warning: “My daddy will kill you if your not my husband!” Some people would criticize us for focusing too much on the externals and not dealing with the heart, but it’s sure a whole lot easier to do it this way! I just know that one day our daughters will thank us for loving them so much, even on April 1.
I always get a chuckle when tattoos have misspelled words. It makes me think that people with tattoos aren’t very smart. :-)
I got through the first paragraph when I thought to check the date. :) I dunno, the In-N-Out part sounded almost believable. Love it!
Totally unfair that In-N-Out is coming to Texas and is no further north than Redding, California. They are a family owned company with a deep Christian committment. You should Google their “secret” menu.
Now, if only Tommy’s would move north…
Todd, I think that’s great, as long as you let the boys get their ears pierced so they could wear a diamond studded cross in each one.
Matt and I both said today…I wonder what Todd will post for April Fools. :) Too bad In-N-Out isn’t true…that would be something to celebrate!
Haha, funny, but didn’t convince me ;)
In-N-Out would be worth the all-night wait
Would one of you kindly explain the fascination with In-n-Out? I’ve had their food a couple of times over the past decade, & it struck me as ordinary/mediocre (especially their french fries, which are bland), & yet everytime I go past one (walking distance from my place), there’s a huge drive-thru line, to the point where they have 2 people with headsets on taking orders. Are you people just lazy, or is it just a Christian connection? I don’t see the same fanaticism over Chick-Fil-A, & you can get equivalent hamburgers & fries at numerous other places. Unless this is an April Fools joke, I just don’t get it.
G.M. – In-n-Out sells hamburgers. Some people really like them. Some people might wait in line overnight to be first in line at a grand opening. Anyone who knows me knows that I would never do such a thing, even if I thought these hamburgers were made in heaven. The notion of staying up overnight for food would have tipped my hand in this April Fool’s post to some people.
I think that In-n-Out fans would disagree with your assertion that you can get equivalent hamburgers elsewhere. I don’t think it has anything to do with laziness or the Christian connection. They just really like the food.
I’ve had to answer this question before. First, I agree that the fries are nothing special. You can order then extra crip or “animal style” – grilled onions, cheese, & 1000 island dressing – to spice them up.
I think what makes the burgers good is that they simply do everything right on them. Fresh meat (never frozen), fresh buns, served hot. Each individual element is done well.
I know of better hamburgers, but I think this is the best “fast food” hamburger from a chain I have had.
PS–What I really don’t get is White Castle.
Thanks, Todd & Al. I suppose the difference between previously frozen vs. never frozen is an acquired taste. I can’t tell the difference. I can definitely tell the difference between prime rib, filet mignon, brisket, & sirloin, but not previously frozen vs. never frozen of any of those. I’d have to see a controlled scientific experiment to believe any In-n-Out fan can. For cryin’ out loud, it’s just a hamburger! I think they’re mesmerized by the hype. Maybe the long wait in line makes them think it’s better in some transcendant way (“wow, it’s never been frozen”).
so, tattoo thing was an April fools joke? whew. You had me going there for a minute…
Tony – there was not an honest line in the post.
My mom told me that they were opening an In-N-Out in Dallas, and I believed her! Why? Because she said you said it on your blog. (My thought, and comment, was “Wow! They’re really branching out!”) Then, she corrected herself a few days later…she noted the date. Good one, Todd!
The tattoo part just made me laugh out loud!
Actually they are opening In-N-Out branches in the Dallas area, but I don’t think any have opened yet. And while I might buy a burger if I was really hungry and there was one directly in my path, I certainly would not stay up all night (or even a half hour) for it.
I just ate at In-N-Out last night and realized that their hamburger patties are noticeably thinner that 4 weeks ago when I last ate one! Can you say “Inflation”? (Or at least a form of it, anyway.) Sheesh! I felt a bit ripped-off!
In-N-Out truly is branching out! I wonder if they’ll add something like deep-fried pickles to their “secret menu” just for the Dallas area? :)
*than* 4 weeks ago- sorry