"David's Palace" photos; Temple location interview

By | September 25, 2005

A visitor went by the “palace of David” excavations and got some good shots (I wonder if he climbed the fence?) which are posted on deinde. The photos are better than mine, which I haven’t posted anyway. And he has a few comments to help you get your bearings. High-res photos are here. HT: Jim West.

And the Jerusalem Post has an interview with Asher Kaufman, the one who proposed (20 years ago) that the Holy of Holies was north of the Dome of the Rock (at the Dome of the Tablets). The big plus to the theory: the Temple could be re-built without tearing the Dome of the Rock down. The minus: no archaeologists believe that his theory has merit (that I know of). HT: Paleojudaica.

0 thoughts on “"David's Palace" photos; Temple location interview

  1. Gunner

    Given a close reading, the second paragraph of this post carries a hint (or a bucketload) of sarcasm. :) As in, the relative difficulty of the temple being rebuilt today is no good premise for concluding that it used to be in one place rather than another.


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