One of My Favorite Photos

By | October 4, 2005
This is Luke and me at Tel Maresha in Feb ’04.

We’re off to Galilee in the morning. :-)

0 thoughts on “One of My Favorite Photos

  1. Ashley Ryan

    Who took the picture for you? Its a good one and Luke looks excited to go! Have fun in Galilee…I think (you’d know better than I) that it’s a good idea to go earlier in the semester. I wish I was getting on that bus in the morning. :)
    I’ll be praying for you all!

  2. Anonymous

    Interesting that one of Todd’s favorite photos was taken by a member of SQUARE B!


    – One of the faithful

  3. Todd Bolen

    Ashley – the photo was taken by Jennie Kay Smith, formerly an IBEX student, IBEX volunteer, and (apparently still) Square B member. I also adjusted the colors of the photo (from a bright day with green grass); didn’t mean to imply otherwise.

  4. Ashley ryan

    You probably won’t check this blog again way down here but thanks for telling me. I actually found out from JK herself (cuz she saw my comment and mentioned it was here). And…she was my ibex volunteer. :) So thanks for the clarification!


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