
By | August 26, 2011

We made it home. According to the GPS, we drove 5,214 miles. According to the car’s odometer (which we never turned off), we drove a few more. It was a fantastic trip.

110805777tb Final mileage reading

Some careful readers know that the whole record of it was delayed by three weeks. My initial thought was to “tweet” the trip but to delay those tweets by three weeks. The reason for that is I don’t want the bad guys knowing we ‘re away from home, especially when we ‘re in Maine and can’t exactly make it back quickly. But the delay also enabled me to blog it and to include photos. If you were surprised that I had time at the end of each wearying day to download my photos, process them, and then write a blog post, you were on the right track. In fact, there was no way I could have done any of that. We rarely arrived to our destination before dinner (twice?) and the average was about 8:30. Then there was the unloading, room setup, kids to take care of, and important emails of the day to respond to (if I had internet access). Kelli had much more to do. The delay of this report thus did more than just keep the house my books safe but it enabled a report at all.

Along the way, a number of you have written and thanked me for this. I appreciate that, particularly because I have not been sure how much of interest this is. It’s certainly a far cry from a critique of an amillennialist or a meditation on a passage in Isaiah. The journey (the second time around) has been enjoyable for me in part because it’s been enjoyable for you.

A friend has written and asked me to reflect on the trip with regard to how we prepared, what our priorities were, and what we would do differently. I intend to conclude this series this weekend with responses to those questions.

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