The World Without Jews

By | October 26, 2005

Lest you thought that the Muslim world had finally acknowledged Israel’s right to exist and that the real sticking point was the Jews’ refusal to return land taken in the 1967 war, the current conference in Iran should dispel any such false delusions. “The World Without Zionism” is euphemistic for “The World Without Jews” and should remind all who hear of it of a fellow named Adolf Hitler. The conference isn’t being held by a minority group either; the president of Iran spoke at it, calling for the annihilation of Israel. How should the world respond? By talking with such people and signing agreements? By allowing them to pursue, one way or another, nuclear technology? To ask it another way, what would the world be like if Hitler’s ambitions had been stopped in 1939 or 1941 or even 1943? Appeasement was foolish then and it is foolish now.

Update: All 15 members of the UN Security Council condemned Iran’s statements. This Jerusalem Post article says that the conference was being held for students who are majoring in “world without Zionism” studies. I wonder how the world would reply if a US or Israeli university started a major in the “world without Iran.”

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