
By | July 26, 2004

So here’s one for the spam books.  I replied today to a girl at the college who had written (me and others).  Her subject line was “living by Future Grace.”  My reply to her at her college address was rejected by the spam blocker.  So I tried again.  And then again from a different email address.  And a few more variations.  Then I analyzed the fine details of the blocking report more carefully.  Buried in the report was this: X-Barracuda-Block:  Subject (vi.*gra).  Yes indeed.  Because the (her) subject line contains these letters in this order – vi gra – the email was deemed inappropriate.  I wonder how many perfectly good subject lines I could come up with that would be blocked this way.  I wonder if the college keeps a log.  Interesting though that the college mail system let her send that email.  I guess it’s ok to send email about such products, but not ok to receive it.

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