Recently the college sent out an email to all students and staff warning about a thief who has stolen numerous notebook computers on campus. About a year ago I was visiting a seminary in the US where a professor had set his computer down in the lounge to use the bathroom and came back to find it stolen. A UC Berkeley prof was also a victim last year, but his approach to recovering it was more unique. You can see the 3-minute video here. This is the tail end of a biology lecture, the whole of which is here. After you watch it, you can read the transcript and find out the result.
When you’re finished, go make a backup of all of your data.
Todd, The network here on campus won’t allow us to access the video. Sonic Wall blocks it because of “Adult/Mature Content.” So, Just thought I would let you know.
Man Todd you trying to get us in trouble again….first with the Alumni website and now this. Can you please stop suggesting questionable material! It is a good thing we have this network to keep us safe.
Here’s a link to the same video (poorer quality) on Google Video:
I understand the objection as this video is from a biology lecture at UC Berkeley. Clearly for adults only. So what websites can you get at that school? Anything besides :-)
Loved the video! It was hilarious…
Maybe the “prison” or “FBI” or “Securities and Exchange Commission” triggered the block.
Do you mean our actions have consequences? Apparently we aren’t ready to learn this yet.