Land for Peace: Has It Worked?

By | July 15, 2006

Israel should withdraw from occupied Palestinian territories if they want to enjoy a peaceful existence. The reason for the Muslim violence is the occupation and when that ends, so will suicide bombers, rocket attacks, and kidnappings. So the argument goes from most of the world leaders, the United Nations and some evangelicals.

Last year Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip. All agree that there is no occupation of the Gaza Strip. It’s interesting then that for the last year Israel’s cities have been the target of rockets launched from Gaza. If Gaza is not occupied, why the terror attacks?

Six years ago Israel pulled out of Lebanon. The UN certified that none of Lebanese territory is occupied by Israel. It’s interesting then that it is from Lebanon that hundreds of missiles rained down on Israeli cities in the last few days. If Gaza is not occupied, why the terror attacks?

The reality, as Charles Krauthammer notes, is that the “occupation” is an excuse – a false reason given to deceive Westerners into supporting Islamic terror.

occupation was a mere excuse to persuade gullible and historically ignorant Westerners to support the Arab cause against Israel. The issue is, and has always been, Israel’s existence. That is what is at stake.

Or to say it another way, the problem is the “occupation.” That is, the occupation of any part of Palestine by Israel. When the occupation ends (and the Jews drown in the Sea or move to Uganda), then the violence will end.

And every world leader and every evangelical who supports Palestinians in their quest to end the “occupation” is supporting them in their quest to remove all Jews from the Middle East.

Concerning the Palestinians and their supporters, you can either listen to their words or you can listen to their actions. I suggest that more people start doing the latter.

0 thoughts on “Land for Peace: Has It Worked?

  1. Jonathan Moorhead

    Amen! Charles Krauthammer is right on.

    The latest news (rumor) is that Israel has given Syria a 72 hour ultimatum. Things are about to get interesting. Oh, and what happened to that UN ultimatum to Iran that was due today? Good timing on their part.

    Keep us up-to-date, Todd. Boy, I wish you, Randy, and Bill would start a TeamIBEX blog!

  2. the wayfarer

    Wow, it’s almost like this situation was predicted and promised in the Bible. Interesting – it’s like God’s in control or something.

  3. Khoi To

    Agreed! Whatever happened to conquering land and claining it for yourself? Only in Isarel! Politics!

    My prayers and thoughts are with you and yours!

  4. Sam I am

    I 2nd the TEAM IBEX blog idea from Jonathan…seriously. I ove reading your stuff. I love the nonchalant sobriety. Indeed.

  5. Dyspraxic Fundamentalist

    You cannot negotiate without being willing to make concessions.

    Withdrawing from the occupied territories might not get many concessions from the Arabs, but it builds bridges with the international community and Israel is better off with their support in the absence of their Messiah.

    God Bless



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