Unknown Archaeologist

By | August 9, 2004

There are maybe two other people who would appreciate this and almost certainly they won’t see this, but nonetheless, for my own amusement, I proceed. I was reading tonight an article in Artifax, sourced to the Jerusalem Post (and here’s an online quotation of relevant section). The article describes the recent excavations of the Pool of Siloam and mentions that the Byzantine period pool was “discovered by archeologist Blis Vediki at the end of the century.” I did a double-take, not recognizing this archaeologist. I have taught the subject and shame on me for not knowing about this apparently important scholar! Well, I don’t want to spoil the surprise – go back, scratch your head and see if you can figure out who Blis Vediki is. – – – – – – – Actually he is two people, and the phrase was something the journalist apparently copied down in haste without bothering to check himself. Ve is “and” in Hebrew – it’s Blis AND Diki, or more correctly, Bliss and Dickie. Frederick Jones Bliss and Archibald Campbell Dickie.

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