The Israeli Way

By | October 4, 2006

I fulfilled a long-time desire today, but otherwise I am just barely making it this week with no relief in immediate view. But to keep my faithful readership happy, here’s a one-minute post.

Last week I went to a brit (circumcision ceremony) of a neighbor’s family. Before the service, I asked the father if it was ok to take pictures. He said it was, except during the cutting itself, when it was forbidden by the rabbis. Wanting to be clear, I asked him specifically when that period began and ended, and he told me that if the boy’s pants were down, no pictures. Too bad for me, but I honored his wishes.

Today the father asked me if I had pictures of the cutting. I told him that he told me not to, but he obviously was disappointed that I did what he asked.

0 thoughts on “The Israeli Way

  1. Ryan

    way to keep your word, todd. (i’ll let you determine the amount of sarcasm in that).


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