Poor Salesman

By | October 5, 2006

Back-to-back one minute posts:

The life of Christ books for Logos/Libronix still has not crossed the threshold for minimum orders, but it sure looks close.

The calendar idea I suggested is a no-go, but I’ll have pictures in another calendar for 2007. If I learn that it’s publicly available, I’ll mention it here.

UPDATE: I see now that Insight for Living is advertising the 2007 calendar on their website.   It is available with a donation to the organization.   Nine of the images are mine, and they chose some of my favorites (no turtle though).   I haven’t yet seen the calendar, so I can’t tell you anything else about it.

0 thoughts on “Poor Salesman

  1. Hannah Johnson

    So I clicked on “calendar idea” and looked over it, including the comments … brings back fond memories … “Turtle, Turtle!” :)

  2. Rachel Israel


    Remember the turtle we found hiking to Nimrod’s Castle in Spring 04? Too bad that one was never put in the calendar! :)



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