The Race

By | November 17, 2006

Paul: “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” (1 Cor 9:24)

How are you running in the race of faith? Are you running to win, or just out to “have fun”? Does it matter if you finish the race? How important is it? How would a spectator perceive your efforts? Are you on the path and going the right direction?

0 thoughts on “The Race

  1. PJ Tibayan

    I’ve noticed a few weights that have been slowing down my race lately… Good things that are not best for the moment, like blogging and reading unnecessary things and listening to sermons/lectures with no strategic purpose. Being out of seminary, I am starting to see the wealth of information in the world and I’m overwhelmed and not focused and strategic. Thanks for the reminder in this post. I want to fix my eyes on Jesus and run as fast as I can, by his grace.

  2. Todd Bolen

    PJ – good thoughts. I think the web can be quite a weight to slow us down. Blogging too can take time away from more important activities (both reading and writing blogs). I think it’s wise to decide ahead of time what you’re going to do that day/evening, so you can choose the most profitable tasks and not be drawn away into something that grabs you at the moment.


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