Dumb Americans #482

By | December 5, 2006

Some years ago I chose The Master’s College over UC Berkeley.  Clearly the latter is a smarter school, right?  Well, today’s news suggests otherwise.  UC Berkeley has decided to ban students from participating in a summer excavation in Israel or otherwise receiving credit from courses taken in Israel.

A professor at Hebrew University sees through the folly.

Israeli archaeologist Ilan Sharon, who has coordinated the Tel Dor excavation, said he would rate the danger of Middle East violence below that of Bay Area earthquakes, shootings, fraternity parties and extreme sports. Drunken escapades by graduate students are more worrisome than Hezbollah rockets.

No kidding.  In many years of living in Israel, I’ve never seen any violence.  In the few adult years of my life that I’ve lived in the U.S., I’ve experienced more.  I thank God for the wise leaders of The Master’s College.

0 thoughts on “Dumb Americans #482

  1. Rachel Israel

    Just this morning at our staff meeting before school we were discussing Christmas and one of the faculty members who had been to Israel brought in pictures and artifacts from Bethlehem. It brought back so many wonderful memories and made me thankful once again that I had such an amazing opportunity to see that very place and other places where our Lord walked. Thank you for your dedication to teaching. I thank God for all of you at IBEX and for the staff at TMC that supports such an awesome program! Enjoy your semester break! Tell your family I said hi.

  2. Krissa Martinez

    Todd! I really wish APU felt the same way that Hebrew University feels and open up their program again for APU students to study in Israel. But they don’t. So many of the students who desire to go to Israel don’t because APU sets this standard that Israel is more of a dangerous place to live in than Azusa. I’m so thankful for the Master’s College and the chance I had to go to Israel despite APU’s warning not to go!

  3. Salome

    Happy Birthday Todd !! Your face is on Master Net, right now :D
    I’m thankful God led you to choose Master’s over Berkley!

  4. Amy (Godwin) Gilmore

    Happy Birthday Todd! Did you know that this is my half birthday? Crazy. Hope you have a good day!

  5. Sam Neylan

    your point is one of my main retorts when people think the ‘it’s too dangerous over there’ reply is an acceptable argument for not going to IBEX.
    Rampant random violence in the US vs. nominal religiously motivated and somewhat predicatable violence in Israel???…I feel a zillion times safer in Israel than i do in the US.
    amen and amen


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