Student Map Manual

By | January 8, 2007

There are about 5 used Student Map Manuals listed for sale here, ranging in price from $12-$40.  I am surprised they are still available.  College students aren’t always as smart as one would expect.

SMM 6-5 (Deborah and Barak)

0 thoughts on “Student Map Manual

  1. Josh

    I checked on these. The 3 books for sale from Redins antikvariat are really 1 book, which they have already sold. The same for Bookopolis. As far as I know the Amazon one is for sale…maybe there is 1 brillant student out there.

  2. Bob Drouhard

    So I should store mine in my gunsafe along with the marriage papers and mortgage info?

  3. Rachel Israel

    Why on earth would anyone want to sell their SMM! I still use mine every week!

  4. Todd Bolen

    Rachel – these are unmarked SMMs, and there are many out there, bought by people who didn’t understand what was involved or didn’t want to do the work.

    Stratkey – still no. But there is now a drive-thru McDonalds in Jerusalem. That’s progress in a land of inconvenience.

    Josh – usually I catch that, but I didn’t this time. Thanks for buying out all the rest of them :-|.

    All – most don’t know that this semester we are all out of SMMs and so the students are using black-and-white xeroxed copies (with permission). That may help to explain my post.

  5. Ilena

    Although, at the time, I really dreaded the SMM and really wanted to chuck it in the trash while I was making the appropriate markings in it, hour, after hour, after hour… I know now, how very useful it is. I have even used it in class to explain a number of Bible truths to my kids and I’ve lent it out to a fellow teacher- but only with the understanding that to me, this SMM is priceless and has much sentimental as well as practical value to it!


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