Joy in Philippians

By | November 19, 2008

I know that one doesn’t usually go to Bible dictionaries for faith-strengthening encouragement, but I found this to be a well-stated reminder:

“Finally, the theme of joy that runs throughout Philippians has had a profound influence on Christians through the centuries, drawing them back to this letter again and again. Here one learns that joy is not so much a feeling as it is a settled state of mind characterized by peace, an attitude that views life—including all of its ups and downs—with equanimity. It is a confident way of looking at life that is rooted in faith in the living Lord of the church (1:25; 3:1; 4:4, 10). For Paul joy is an understanding of existence that makes it possible for one to accept both elation and depression, to accept with creative submission events that bring either delight or dismay, because joy allows one to see beyond any particular event to the sovereign Lord who stands above all events.” (Hawthorne, “Philippians,” Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, page 713).

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