February 22

By | February 22, 2009

Care to hunt pigs in Israel?  They are fast critters.  Except the one I caught at Yad HaShmonah once, playing a game of flashlight tag.

Four new designs for the back of the penny (which, by the way, costs 1.4 cents to make).

Do you have trouble threading a needle?  This guy doesn’t!

A massive 2000 ft spinning ice circle at Gaspe Bay, Canada. 

And here’s something you don’t usually read in a commentary!

I remain convinced that the heart of the letter [of James] is a call to wholehearted commitment to Christ.  James’s call for consistent and uncompromising Christian living is much needed.  Our churches are filled with believers who are only halfhearted in their faith and, as a result, leave large areas of their lives virtually untouched by genuine Christian values.  Nor am I immune to such problems.  As I quite unexpectedly find myself in my “middle age” years, I have discovered a tendency to back off in my fervor for the Lord and his work.  My reimmersion in James has challenged me sharply at just this point.  I pray that it might have the same effect on all readers of the commentary” (Douglas Moo, The Letter of James, x).

2 thoughts on “February 22

  1. dfrese

    What do you mean you “caught” a pig? You shined your flashlight on it, or you wrestled it to the ground?

  2. Todd Bolen

    Why would I want to wrestle it to the ground? I tagged him and he was “it.”


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