August 18

By | August 18, 2009

This guy is only 30, but he is dangerous.   If any American church will have him, that is.   I was turned on to it because someone said this was the best sermon ever delivered at the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors Conference.   TMC needs to get him out for chapel.   And stand back.

Speaking of which, if you ‘re anywhere near TMC on Nov 11 or 13, get thyself to the TMC sports arena at 9:10 a.m. (or whatever time chapel now starts).   I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say who’s going to be there, but it ‘ll be good.   I would sacrifice a lot to be there, but it’s just not possible. UPDATE: Plans have changed and a different speaker is now scheduled.

The stimulus bill has saved a lot of jobs.   Don’t let anyone tell you differently!

This two-minute video of a train starts out real boring.   Then it gets hit by a tornado!

4 thoughts on “August 18

  1. Bruce Blakey

    David Platt is the Senior Pastor at The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, AL. He would be a good chapel speaker for TMC and TMS. Don’t you have some connections to make that happen?

  2. Brian

    Not only should he speak in chapel at TMC, but this should be the ONE chapel that TMC puts on the video podcast.

  3. Becca (Boone) Baughman

    NO WAY (to paragraph #2)!!!! I’m marking my calendar….

  4. Ruth

    WOW, I finally got a chance to listen to that message…incredible!

    Also, so excited about “who” trying to figure out a way to make it down…if you have any info re: churches he will be at…can you post that too?


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