Discoveries in Tiberias

By | July 29, 2005

Tiberias has never been more than a lunch stop for groups I lead. I explain the important history on the drive into the city, but the remains that are preserved are much later than biblical history. Current excavations plan to change that and add an archaeological stop to our Tiberias visit. Excavators have been uncovering the Roman city, including two main streets, the basilica where the Sanhedrin met, and now an apparent palace of the city’s founder, Herod Antipas. This Herod, one of 5 in the New Testament, ruled Galilee during Jesus’ ministry and was called a “fox” by the Lord on one occasion. Excavators have identified the structure as his palace on the basis of the date and the impressive marble floor. Marble is not native to Israel and must be imported, indicating the wealth of the builder. I visited these excavations with my sons a few months ago and include a photo from that time.

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