New Calendar and Radio Interview

By | July 30, 2005

These two are unrelated, except that I’m involved with each. The new 2005-2006 calendar from Messianic Jewish Publications is out. This is the fourth year they have used my photos, but this calendar is the best of them, in my opinion. As before, the calendar features the Jewish (and Christian) holidays, but this time they have added a number of visual enhancements. It’s $10 and I think it’s worth it, esp. for those of you who want to keep in touch with Israel and the Jewish holidays.

A couple of weeks ago I was interviewed by Gordon Govier for the Book and the Spade radio program. The subject was the recent excavations of the Pool of Siloam. It’s about 15 minutes and can be downloaded as an mp3 file (8 MB). I haven’t yet heard it as I’m on vacation and have only a dial-up connection. If you could show pictures on a radio interview, these are the ones I would have shown.

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